Respect My Vote! is the longest running, most successful Hip Hop voter engagement campaign ever.
Since first launching Respect My Vote! in 2008 we have worked with Hip Hop artists and influencers to register and educate tens of thousands of voters and help them get to the polls. We have reached tens of millions of voters with information and affirmative messages about voting.
We empower first time voters by walking them through the process, dispelling myths, and making sure they are ready with all they need to cast their ballot. We educate people with felony records on their voting rights. We fight back against voter suppression. We advocate for our communities’ voting rights.
Respect My Vote! allows for people to use their cultural expression to shape their civic experience.
Respect My Vote! is a non-partisan campaign of Hip Hop Caucus. We don’t stop after Election Day. Voting is a tool through which to make change on the issues that impact our lives and communities.
As a campaign for the Hip Hop community, racial justice is at the heart of our drive to empower voters. We stand for people and communities who are marginalized and we stand for the health of our planet.
Respect My Vote! is for policies that build our communities up, that protect our lives and our health, that save our planet, and that are fair, equal, and just. Voting is one of the most critical ways to exercise our power. When we align voting with speaking out, marching, advocating for policy, and coming together in community, we can affect change in the laws and systems that govern our society.
Here is everything you can do with Respect My Vote!
- Get answers to these questions about how to vote!
Will I need an ID to register to vote?
When is my deadline to register?
When is the election?
Can I vote early?
What address do I register at if I’m a college student?
Can I vote if I have a criminal record or am in jail? (hint: likely yes!)
Will I need an ID to register or to vote?
Find your
polling place!
Pledge to vote, and when all polling place locations are available, we’ll send you yours before election day!
Protect your vote!
Pledge to vote, and before election day we will send you information on what to do if you run into issues while trying to vote!
Make your voice heard after Election Day!
Do any or all of the actions on and Hip Hop Caucus will keep you engaged in the movement year round!
Share with your friends
and family.
Follow us on social media, share our content and resources, and encourage your every one you reach to vote this November.