The Rona continues to unfold quickly and there are daily changes. Please check back in with your state site frequently.

StateCOVID-19 Information
Alabama COVID-19 Election Information:

·        March 31 Runoff Election Postponed Until July 14, Alabama Secretary of State

·        Eligible Alabama residents may register until Monday, June 29

·        Absentee ballots applications already sent will be valid

·        COVID-19 Resources Related to Voting, Alabama Secretary of State

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Alabama Public Health
Respect My Vote! Alabama Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Alabama's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Alabama »
Alaska COVID-19 Election Information:

·        COVID-19: Situation overview, Alaska Department of Health and Human Services
Respect My Vote! Alaska Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Alaska's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Alaska »
Arizona COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Arizona Secretary of State COVID-19 Response

·        Statement about the March 17th Election, Arizona Secretary of State

·        Arizona Secretary of State Website
Respect My Vote! Arizona Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Arizona's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Arizona »
Arkansas COVID-19 Election Information:

·        COVID-19, Arkansas Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Arkansas Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Arkansas's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Arkansas »
California COVID-19 Election Information:

·        For the November 3 General Election, every registered voter will receive a ballot in the mail by executive order

·        News Releases, Office of Public Affairs, California Department of Public Health
Respect My Vote! California Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
California's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from California »
Colorado COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Colorado, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Respect My Vote! Colorado Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Colorado's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Colorado »
Connecticut COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Election previously scheduled for April 28 has been postponed to August 11 by an executive order of the governor

·        The governor signed an executive order allowing all registered voters in Connecticut to vote absentee in the August 11, 2020 primary elections

·        Connecticut Secretary of State 2020 Election Plan

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Connecticut State Website
Respect My Vote! Connecticut Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Connecticut's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Connecticut »
Delaware COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Presidential Primary Election previously scheduled for June 2 (originally April 28) has been postponed to July 7 by executive order

·        All registered voters can request an absentee ballot using the qualification "sick or physically disabled"

·        2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Delaware Health and Social Services
Respect My Vote! Delaware Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Delaware's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Delaware »
District of Columbia
District of Columbia COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus (COVID-19), Government of the District of Columbia
Respect My Vote! District of Columbia Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
District of Columbia's Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from District of Columbia »
Florida COVID-19 Election Information:

·        As a reminder, voters may designate someone else to pick up their ballot for them. Refer to the Florida Department of Elections website for instructions on how to complete this process.

·        Election Readiness Update for Upcoming Presidential Preference Primary on March 17, Florida Secretary of State
Respect My Vote! Florida Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Florida's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Florida »
Georgia COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Election has been postponed to June 9 in an announcement from the Secretary of State (originally March 24, then May 19)

·        Safeguards, Options Available for Voting During Virus Concerns, Georgia Secretary of State
Respect My Vote! Georgia Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Georgia's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Georgia »
Hawaii COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Starting with the Primary Election on August 8, 2020: All properly registered voters will automatically receive a mail ballot packet approximately 18 days prior to the election, State of Hawaii, Office of Elections

·        COVID-19 Joint Information Center Updates, Hawaii Department of Public Health
Respect My Vote! Hawaii Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Hawaii's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Hawaii »
Idaho COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Secretary Of State Lawerence Denney Announces COVID-19 Office Adjustments, Launches #VoteEarlyIdaho Campaign, Idaho Secretary of State, March 18, 2020

·        Official Resources for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19),
Respect My Vote! Idaho Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Idaho's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Idaho »
Illinois COVID-19 Election Information:

·        COVID-19 Media & Publications, Illinois Department of Public Health

·        Statement from Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio Chief Elections Officials, March 13, 2020
Respect My Vote! Illinois Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Illinois's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Illinois »
Indiana COVID-19 Election Information:

·        2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Indiana State Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Indiana Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Indiana's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Indiana »
Iowa COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Upcoming special elections in three counties have been postponed until July 7 according to an announcement from the Secretary of State, March 20, 2020

·        Mass Gathering Recommendations for COVID-19, Iowa Department of Public Health, March 12, 2020
Respect My Vote! Iowa Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Iowa's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Iowa »
Kansas COVID-19 Election Information:

·        COVID-19 Resource Center, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Respect My Vote! Kansas Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Kansas's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Kansas »
Kentucky COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Governor issued an Executive Order recommending that all Kentucky voters should vote using an absentee ballot for the upcoming election on June 23

·        Elections originally scheduled for May 19 has been postponed to June 23 by an Executive Order of the Governor

·        COVID-19, Department for Public Health, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Human Services
Respect My Vote! Kentucky Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Kentucky's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Kentucky »
Louisiana COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Governor issued a proclamation on April 14 postponing upcoming elections:

·        The June 20 primary election has been postponed to July 11

·        The July 25 election has been postponed to August 15

·        Coronavirus (COVID-19), Louisiana Office of Public Health
Respect My Vote! Louisiana Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Louisiana's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Louisiana »
Maine COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Election previously scheduled for June 9 has been postponed to July 14 by an executive order from the Governor

·        Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), Center for Disease Control & Prevention, Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Respect My Vote! Maine Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Maine's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Maine »
Maryland COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Media Statement on COVID-19 Preparations, Maryland State Board of Elections
Respect My Vote! Maryland Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Maryland's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Maryland »
Massachusetts COVID-19 Election Information:

·        COVID-19 Election Updates, Massachusetts Secretary of State

·        A recent bill has clarified that voters taking precautions related to COVID-19 are qualified to vote by absentee ballot

·        Multiple special elections have been postponed: voters should check the Secretary of State's COVID-19 page for details

·        Local elections may be postponed by towns: voters should check with their town clerk for details

·        Information on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Respect My Vote! Massachusetts Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Massachusetts's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Massachusetts »
Michigan COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),
Respect My Vote! Michigan Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Michigan's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Michigan »
Minnesota COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Minnesota Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Minnesota Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Minnesota's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Minnesota »
Mississippi COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Runoff Election previously scheduled for March 31 has been postponed until June 23 by an Executive Order by the Governor, March 20, 2020

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Mississippi State Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Mississippi Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Mississippi's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Mississippi »
Missouri COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Updates to the absentee voting process for the August 2020 primary election:

·        Voters who have contracted the coronavirus or in a high-risk demographic may submit a request without a notary

·        All registered voters are eligible to request a mail-in ballot. The request must be notarized and the ballot must be returned by mail.

·        More details are available on the Missouri Secretary of State website

·        COVID-19 Outbreak, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Respect My Vote! Missouri Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Missouri's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Missouri »
Montana COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Governor’s Coronavirus Task Force,
Respect My Vote! Montana Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Montana's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Montana »
Nebraska COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Respect My Vote! Nebraska Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Nebraska's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Nebraska »
Nevada COVID-19 Election Information:

·        All registered voters in Nevada will receive a mail-in ballot for the June 9 Primary Election following a press release by the Secretary of State, March 24, 2020

·        Limited in-person polling locations will be available on June 9 for those that need them

·        Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
Respect My Vote! Nevada Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Nevada's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Nevada »
New Hampshire
New Hampshire COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Daily Updates, New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Respect My Vote! New Hampshire Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
New Hampshire's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from New Hampshire »
New Jersey
New Jersey COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Election previously scheduled for June 2 has been postponed until July 7 by an Executive Order of the Governor.

·        New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub, State of New Jersey
Respect My Vote! New Jersey Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
New Jersey's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from New Jersey »
New Mexico
New Mexico COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver Announces Today’s Early Launch of Online Absentee Ballot Request Tool, March 20, 2020

·        The homepage has the latest COVID-19 updates from the state of New Mexico
Respect My Vote! New Mexico Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
New Mexico's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from New Mexico »
New York
New York COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Elections scheduled for June 23, 2020 have not been cancelled: the Democratic Presidential Primary, State and Federal Primaries, and the Special Election for Congressional District 27 will take place

·        All eligible voters can vote absentee as "temporary illness" has been expanded to include the potential to contract COVID-19 for elections through June 23, 2020 by an executive order

·        All voters eligible to vote in the remaining June 23 elections will be automatically mailed an absentee ballot application per an additional executive order

·        Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), New York State Department of Health
Respect My Vote! New York Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
New York's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from New York »
North Carolina
North Carolina COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The 11th District Republican Primary Runoff previously scheduled for May 12 has been postponed to June 23 through an Executive Order by the Executive Director of the State Board of Elections, March 20, 2020

·        Statement on COVID-19 Response, North Carolina State Board of Elections
Respect My Vote! North Carolina Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
North Carolina's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from North Carolina »
North Dakota
North Dakota COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus, North Dakota Department of Health
Respect My Vote! North Dakota Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
North Dakota's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from North Dakota »
Ohio COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Corona Facts - Protecting & Preparing Ohio Communities for Election Day, Ohio Secretary of State
Respect My Vote! Ohio Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Ohio's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Ohio »
Oklahoma COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Covid-19 Resources, Oklahoma State Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Oklahoma Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Oklahoma's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Oklahoma »
Oregon COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Novel Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19), Oregon Health Authority
Respect My Vote! Oregon Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Oregon's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Oregon »
Pennsylvania COVID-19 Election Information:

·        PA COVID-19 Update, Pennsylvania Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Pennsylvania Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Pennsylvania's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Pennsylvania »
Rhode Island
Rhode Island COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Rhode Island Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Rhode Island Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Rhode Island's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Rhode Island »
South Carolina
South Carolina COVID-19 Election Information:

·        All voters can request to vote absentee in South Carolina's June 2020 elections

·        Witness signatures will not be required on mail ballots on the June 2020 elections

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Respect My Vote! South Carolina Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
South Carolina's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from South Carolina »
South Dakota
South Dakota COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Information, South Dakota Department of Health
Respect My Vote! South Dakota Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
South Dakota's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from South Dakota »
Tennessee COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Tennessee Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Tennessee Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Tennessee's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Tennessee »
Texas COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Runoff Election previously scheduled for May 26 has been postponed until July 14 by a Proclamation by the Governor, March 20, 2020

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Texas Department of State Health Services
Respect My Vote! Texas Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Texas's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Texas »
Utah COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The June 30 Primary Election will be conducted solely via mail-in ballots (with the exception of San Juan County)

·        Same-day registration will not be available for this elections - voters must register by June 19 to be eligible to vote in this primary

·        For more detailed information, check the Utah Elections page on COVID-19

·        San Juan County voters should instead check the San Juan County Primary Election page

·        Coronavirus Updates,
Respect My Vote! Utah Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Utah's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Utah »
Vermont COVID-19 Election Information:

·        2019 Novel Coronavirus, Vermont Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Vermont Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Vermont's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Vermont »
Virginia COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Election previously scheduled for June 9 has been postponed until June 23 in an announcement by the Governor

·        The Virginia Department of Elections has clarified on their absentee voting page that concerns around COVID-19 count as a reason to request an absentee ballot for the May and June elections

·        Voters should cite reason "2A - My disability or illness"

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Virginia Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Virginia Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Virginia's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Virginia »
Washington COVID-19 Election Information:

·        COVID-19 Information, Washington Department of Social and Health Services
Respect My Vote! Washington Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Washington's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Washington »
West Virginia
West Virginia COVID-19 Election Information:

·        The Primary Election originally scheduled for May 12 has been postponed to June 9 by an executive order of the Governor.

·        All voters who do not wish to vote in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible to vote by mail following an announcement from the Secretary of State.

·        Absentee ballots must be postmarked by June 9 but should be sent as early as possible.

·        Early in-person voting and in-person voting on Election Day will still take place.

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services
Respect My Vote! West Virginia Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
West Virginia's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from West Virginia »
Wisconsin COVID-19 Election Information:

·        COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019), Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Respect My Vote! Wisconsin Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Wisconsin's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Wisconsin »
Wyoming COVID-19 Election Information:

·        Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit, Wyoming Department of Health
Respect My Vote! Wyoming Election Center: information and deadlines for absentee voting, early voting, and election day
Wyoming's State Elections Website
Request an absentee ballot from Wyoming »