A Respect My Vote Virtual Townhall

Streaming on All @HipHopCaucus Channels
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
9:00 pm ET

On Tuesday Nov 10, one week after the election, Hip Hop Caucus’ Respect My Vote! campaign is convening a townhall for the Hip Hop community to discuss our agendas, and how we engage in the political process in 2021. We are not a monolith and this discussion is intended to bring diverse perspectives together. But one thing is true, we have no permanent friends, nor permanent enemies – only permanent interests.

Featured Speakers

Bree Newsome Bass
Award-winning Activist and Artist

Carmen Perez Jordan
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Gathering for Justice

Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr.
President and Founder, Hip Hop Caucus

Jason Starr
Director of Litigation, Human Rights Campaign

Marsha Gosier
Rural Organizer & Special Projects, The Partnership for Southern Equity

Ayeisha “AK” Kirkland
Activist, Poet and Musician

Brandi Williams
National Organizer, Hip Hop Caucus


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