Northern Mariana Islands Voter Info

The general election is Nov 5, 2024.
Northern Mariana Islands, here’s all the info you need to know!

The Rona will not pause the revolution. Get the facts.

Important Dates to know, Northern Mariana Islands!

New Voter Registration Deadline

Absentee Ballot Request Deadline

Early Voting

No information available, please check back later.

Can I Vote by Mail? (Absentee)

Any registered voter may apply for an absentee ballot and vote by mail.

Am I eligible to register to vote?

You are eligible to vote in Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands if you:
  • Are a U.S. citizen
  • if you will be 18 by Election Day
  • Live in Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for at least 120 days prior to the election
You are not eligible to vote in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands if:
  • You were disqualified from voting due to a court order
  • You are currently serving a sentence including incarceration, parole, probation, or extended supervision for a felony conviction
Restorative Requirements
  • If you have completed a felony sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole, supervision, period of probation, or you have been pardoned, then you are immediately eligible to register to vote
Service members and their dependents may register and request a ballot using the federal voter registration/ballot request form ("FPCA").
    U.S. citizens living abroad have the right to vote as absentee voters, provided they are eligible to vote in their state. If you are living outside of the U.S. permanently, indefinitely, or temporarily, your voting rights stay with you, even if you never voted when you lived in the U.S. To vote from overseas:
    • Complete and send an overseas voter registration/ballot request form to your election office in the U.S. This is one specific form that will register you as an overseas voter and request your absentee ballot – simultaneously.

    Can I vote if I have a record?

    Please use our eligibility tool to find out if you can vote.

    I am a college student. Where do I register to vote?

    Students have a choice about where to register to vote.

    Students attending college may register at their campus address or choose to remain registered or register at their permanent or home address.

    You may only be registered and vote in one location.

    Will I need ID?

    To register to vote in Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands you should provide:
    • Last Four Digits of your Social Security Number
    In Northern Mariana, you need to show a valid ID to vote. You can use any ID from this list:
    • Current and Valid Photo ID

    The info on this page is for:

    Northern Mariana Islands Voter Info

    If you want info for a different state or U.S. territory, go here